Alcuin Reid on the Motu Proprio

Via the New Liturgical Movement:

Dr Alcuin Reid is a former Benedictine monk and an Australian. He’s also a leading liturgy scholar and the author of The Organic Development of the Liturgy, the definitive text on the Tridentine mass. In fact the glowing Preface of his recent book was written by one Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.

Alcuin Reid: It certainly is a big story in the history of the liturgy in the Catholic church, especially in the last 40, 50 years, big questions are raised by it, how does this relate to the reform of the Second Vatican Council? Is this a reversal? All sorts of big questions. In terms of local parishes, there probably won’t be much difference immediately, I think any change, any development, any enrichment of the liturgical life of the parishes is likely to be gradual.

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